Get Your Lost Smartphone Back Easy Way!!!

Android Smartphone are getting very popular nowadays and its playing very vital role in day to day life. almost all work can be done through smartphone nowadays like Office Presentation,Excel Spreadsheets,Team viewer, and many more. but have you wonder how it will effect your important works which you use to do from your smartphone to save your time when your smartphone gets lost or stolen by someone??? So today i will goin to show you how to get back your lost or stolen smartphone when its lost so you don’t have to get panic for what you lost in your most valuable data, so lets start πŸ™‚

For tracking Purpose We are going to use Android Device Manager its Google’s Official app and its very handy UI easy to use to track down almost any android smartphone!!! it work only one requirement that your smartphone device has to connected with Internet and the systems is ON and it should be connected with your Google account. If your Android Device is lost you have to just visit Android Device Manager by log-in to your Google Account and Once the site is fully open with all loaded contents then it will automatically track down your Device πŸ™‚ Voila πŸ™‚

Once you find the location of your lost phone, Google will show you that location in MAP in which you can know the exact location of your stolen or lost Device and Interesting thing is you can let your smartphone “RING” it!!!! just click “RING” and your smartphone will start ringing!!!! isn’t cool πŸ™‚

Basic Requirement :

  • Your smartphone has to connected with you google account.
  • Your smartphone Has to be access to the internet.
  • Allowed Android Device Manager {ADM} to locate your device {By default its ON}. if you want to change you can change it from Google Setting App.
  • Permit ADM to Lock your smartphone and erase its Data{By default its OFF}.

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