Creating System Image In Windows

Hi guys, Today i m going to explain you something very useful and relevant information about ” System Image” in few  easy steps!!

What is system image is used for ?

In my previous post i explain how to install windows 10

Second name for system image is called ” Backup”, with many users happens that when they start their computer or laptop and suddenly windows pop up with the CMD box or sometime with any error notification,sometime the windows registry files get corrupted, sometime this type of errors lead many users to format their entire PC!! but to avoid that formatting of our computer we have to create system image so just in case if any windows registry files get corrupted and that leads us to only solution of formatting then we can use system image to get all our settings,media files back  from where we stopped!!! creating system image or i say creating backup of our system on regular basis can avoid and sudden disaster from loosing our data.


I will recommend for window 8 user to upgrade their windows 8 to 8.1 cos its very important, and they’ve moved the system image option below the File History section. you’ll get that in Start Screen Search.
but if you’re Window !0 user then you can search that option in Start Menu.


window 8.1 user search for system image


in the image on left side after clicking on File history  you’ll see system image backup option at the lower left hand side as shown in the image below.



System Image in file History

System Image in file History


For Windows 7 user click on window button and type ” back up your computer/files” without quotes and select “create system image” fro the top left side of the corner as show in the image below


select create system image

select create system image


Once  you click “create system image”  one box will pop up and ask you’ll have decide weather you want that “backup” or the “image” to save inside your  computer or want to store in your external drives eg:DVD.

Selection location of Backup

Select location of Backup

after that select the drives you want to add for backup as per below image

select the drive which youo want to backup

select the drive which you want to backup

after that it will display with the backup files size,just make sure you’ve that much space available,if not then you can go back and make some space available and can proceed ahead.

Available space

Available space

After hitting “NEXT” button it will show progress bar of creating backup. time for creating backup or image file will be vary as per the size of that particular backup files. so don’t get worried even if it takes lil long time 🙂

Once the process is completed you will see one pop up box asking for creating the system repair disc just go ahead and press “OK”

System Repair Disc

System Repair Disc

after pressing “OK” it will show as below image

System Repair Disc-2

System Repair Disc-2

After click on creat disc it will burn that “image” on your dvd or on whatever location u choose for.

and when in future if it required you to restore your system image or backup then just type “system restore” in your search box by pressing window button.

system recovery option

thats it 🙂 do share this article to the needy one 🙂









About Bingout

Hey guys welcome to my blog, i m self made geeky about tech and i wanted to help people learn the technology education, the purpose of this blog is to serve as much as technology information related to desktops,laptops,windows operating system. new category will be added eventually. what makes this blog unique? One-stop for windows operating solution make this blog unique cos many people who want to know anything related to their windows operating system they either they google it or visit some forums, for them this blog will one stop for solution,though many articles will come up as time goes but stick around this blog and you will worth your time to learn some or to share some from this blog. Whats make special this blog? Taking into consideration most of the worldwide users are Windows operating system users so this make he specialty of this blog more articles based on windows troubleshooting issues, including windows 7,8,8.1,10 and many more articles will come eventually. Enjoy your stay on my blog and subscribe my blog with your email address to get informative articles to keep your desktop or laptops cleans and safe.
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