What are Cookies and How can i Delete Cookies??

Hi guys, today we are going to learn about Cookies!! Most people think cookies are bug when they hear about cookies but can Cookies dangerous? can it contain private information?..Yes,it can….so how can i retain browser from using cookies??
Cookies are nothing but the text file contains information of domains log-in in form of ID tags they allotted by the server of that website…so lets get started what exactly cookies are and how they work? in a easy way 🙂

What is Cookies??

Cookies are the sets of small text files with that allotted ID tags stored on our computer’s browser directory. Cookies are generated when we visit any specific sites to keep track on our activities with in that site, its stores our registration log-in details and other modified/customization functions that help us to resume later from where we stopped.

Types of cookies: Session cookies & Persistence cookies.

Session Cookies are temporary generated in our browser,once we exit the browser session cookies are vanished.
Persistence Cookies remain as per the duration of that cookies in our browser and its reactivate if we visit that particular site.

Cookies are automatically lodged into browser’s memory and each cookie contains the following information:-
                 1.Server name of that specific site from where the cookies were sent
                 2.A value : its a randomly generated ID tags that are allotted to each cookie
                 3.Age of the cookie [lifetime of cookie]

The server of the website uses that ID tags to identify us when we return back to visit that site,and cookies can read only that server from that specific site. Cookies is the text file with information stored of that website is transfer to our browser on hard disk of our browser so the website can identify us.

What are the ways to prevent cookies from tracking our activity???

If you are Chrome user then you can disable by following steps:

1. Go to [Tools Menu]
2.Click [Option]
3.Click [Under the Hood]
4.[ Cookies Setting ] should ne selected. Once done then select [ Block all Cookies]

By above settings all cookies should blocked in your Chrome browser
To wipe all existing cookies follow the below steps :

1.Go to [Tools Menu]
2.Click on [ Options ]
3.Click on [ Under the Hood ]
4. Under [Privacy] Select [ Show Cookies]
5.New window will pop up called “Cookies” were you can see all the cookies of your Google Chrome browser
6.Click on [ Remove all ] to clear all the cookies traces.
7.If you want to remove one particular cookie then just highlight that and click [Remove].

Click Here For Some more Information about Advantage and Disadvantage of Cookies.

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