Top 5 windows 8.1 tips and tricks

If you have upgraded recently windows 8.1 from windows 7  or from windows 8, then the below listed tweaks are surely helpful for you.


1. Make your start button more useful.
Right click on your taskbar of desktop,click properties,then navigation. check the box ” Show the apps view automatically when i go to start” by this process you’ll see the list of all apps when you click the start button rather then start screen.

2. Eyeshot(view) multiples apps on screen
Foremost open up multiple apps and among from that apps select one app that you want to display on your screen. then now move your pointer to the left top corner their you’ll see the running apps. select any one from that and right click and select “insert left” now its two apps on screen for that repeat the process as you did just awhile ago but this time instead of selecting ” insert left” select “insert center”. now you’ve have 3 apps running in front of your screen.this feature is useful if you want to keep track on all three apps at once for lots of source information.

3. Save online articles in advance for later.
This tweak is very helpful specially if you are going to remote place where internet is out of stock or not available of is due to your busy schedule you want to read your favourite article later then you can surely use this tweak. to begin this find your favorite article you want to save and read it later,then launch the setting by pressing window button+c,click share button,it will pop up the reading list app,from there add the article to the app and it’ll there for you to read it later 🙂

4. Utilize the Cloud OneDrive.
Many windows user use Dropbox to keep their files and data secure,if you are the one from that then you can use OneDrive which is preinstalled in windows 8.1 (Former/previous name SkyDrive). go ahead by going in setting,change PC setting,OneDrive.
Set “save document to OneDrive by Default”. Now your documents are secured in cloud just incase your hard drive crashed or damage you can get your files/document back from OneDrive.

5. Sort and arrange your apps.
Customize the appearance of your apps in windows 8.1 for that Go to start Screen,click the arrow that facing down at the left corner. This will launch you on apps screen. there you will able to edit Big Box next to the “Apps” at the top. select the apps by date they were installed and by how frequently you use that.

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