Windows 8 Secret Hidden Registry Tricks

In market lots of best free registry cleaner and registry repair software available to take care of your registry error But today we are going to present some manual Unique and Unusual registry tweaks to make some effective changes in your window 8,8.1,many users are not aware of windows 8 secret hidden registry tweaks that might boost their windows performance Here are some best window 8 tricks  🙂  Back up registry before implementing this below tweaks 😉

Make Aero peek faster by following below steps:

1. Get inn to “Run” by press window button+R then type “regedit” and hit OK to open the registry panel

3. Now right-click of your mouse and CLICK NEW=DWORD=(32-bit) value. now type

“DesktopLive PreviewHoverTime” as the name of new DWORD

4. Now double-click of mouse one “DesktopLivePreviewHoverTime” and choose “Decimal” from side section and put 500 as value in data box and click OK.

5.Reboot your system to take the modified effects.

Load Taskbar Preview Faster by Following Steps:

1. Get in to “Run” by press window button+R then type “regedit” and hit OK to open the registry panel.

3. Now right-click of your mouse and CLICK NEW=DWORD=(32-bit) value. now type “ExtendedUIHover” as the name of new DWORD
4. Now double-click of mouse one “ExtendedUIHover” and choose “Decimal” from side section and put 400 as value in data box and click OK.
5.Reboot your system to take the modified effects.

Double the Speed of Menu

1.Get in to “Run” by press window button+R then type “regedit” and hit OK to open the registry panel.
2.Now search and find “MenuShowDelay” and Double Click on “MenuShowDelay”
3. Now put value as 400 and click OK
4. Reboot your system to take the modified effects.

Speed Up computer by disabling Low Disk Checking

1. Get in to “Run” by press window button+R then type “regedit” and hit OK to open the registry panel.
3. Search and find “explorer” if it’s not there then create explorer by right-click on and then click key and name that key as “Explorer”
4. Now Select Explorer by click on it then right-click on right side and click ” DWORD”(32-bit Value) and type name as “NoLowDiskSpaceChecks”
5. Right Click on “NolowDiskSpaceChecks” and Modify
6. In that DWORD box insert 1 as value and click OK

Disable the Notification Pop Up show

1. Get in to “Run” by press window button+R then type “regedit” and hit OK to open the registry panel.
3. Now right-click of your mouse and CLICK NEW=DWORD=(32-bit) value ,now type “EnableBaloonTips” as the name of new DWORD
4. now right-click on “EnableBaloonTips” and Modify the DWORD and insert Zero as value and click OK.

Visit this page for more Registry trick.


About Bingout

Hey guys welcome to my blog, i m self made geeky about tech and i wanted to help people learn the technology education, the purpose of this blog is to serve as much as technology information related to desktops,laptops,windows operating system. new category will be added eventually. what makes this blog unique? One-stop for windows operating solution make this blog unique cos many people who want to know anything related to their windows operating system they either they google it or visit some forums, for them this blog will one stop for solution,though many articles will come up as time goes but stick around this blog and you will worth your time to learn some or to share some from this blog. Whats make special this blog? Taking into consideration most of the worldwide users are Windows operating system users so this make he specialty of this blog more articles based on windows troubleshooting issues, including windows 7,8,8.1,10 and many more articles will come eventually. Enjoy your stay on my blog and subscribe my blog with your email address to get informative articles to keep your desktop or laptops cleans and safe.
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2 Responses to Windows 8 Secret Hidden Registry Tricks

  1. minitoolanna says:

    Thanks for your detail introduce. I have know why to change the value to 1 in NolowDiskSpaceChecks below Explorer to speed up computer by disabling low disk checking. But I have no idea about insert 0 as value. Thank again for the selfless sharing.

    • Bingout says:

      thanks for replying and Your reply is appreciated , DWORD is abbreviation of “Double Word” by default it either 0 or 1 just to state the given registry order is off/false or ON/true..we have to skip the disk space checking so we interchange that order to skip NoDiskSpaceChecks.
