How to increase internet speed in windows 7 using CMD

Just in our previous post we learn about some boosting methods of internet speed in google chrome browser, but still many users find its difficult to cope with low internet  speed.i will suggest you to check your web speed test once to assure that is your service provider giving you decent service of internet or your are the bait trapped in some cheap internet service providers that louses you fastest speed in small amount!! if you search on google you’ll find lots of software and tweaks that assured you to boost internet speed, but how many out that really works? today i m going to show you some windows cmd tricks to increase internet speed. so lets start:-


  1. we going to use “netsh” command, those who don’t know what “netsh” command is for them let me tell you in short its  a command-line utility that permit us to modify the network configuration of a computer that is currently running. lets see how its work for that follow below steps.Press window button + R, it will open RUN dialog box, type “cmd” without quotes and hit will take you to CMD command prompt box.
  • type the following codes in cmd respectively one after another ( don’t exit CMD)
  • netsh int tcp show global and hit ENTER button. it will display with some details then type again the below code
  • netsh int tcp chimney=enabled and hit ENTER button, it’ll show again with some details. again type the below code
  • netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=normal and hit ENTER button after that again type the below code
  • netsh int set global congestionprovider=ctcp and hit ENTER.


2.Type netsh int ip reset  and hit ENTER button and exit CMD.

  • “netsh int ip reset reset” is a command  use in  windows to reset TCP/IP  which stands for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol, it’s a  protocol utilise to communicate with other computers. If  TCP/IP is not working then we won’t able to browse any website.
  • ” netsh winsock reset catalog” is a command use in  windows to recover socket errors  from  system which woke up we download any unknown file. basically the above commands are used to reset the logs and catalog when we won’t able to browse any webpage even if the system is pinging the ip address.


3.Press window button + R, it will open RUN dialog box, type “cmd” without quotes and hit ENTER.

it will take you to CMD command prompt box.

type ipconfig and hit ENTER button

it will show us details of ip address that are provided from ISP provider.Look for “Default Gateway”  ip address and note down that ip address.(Don’t exit cmd)

now type ping –t and hit ENTER button. now just minimize the cmd prompt box and start browsing and downloading!!


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