Tutorial on How to access blocked websites With UltraSurf


There is a time when we get dig too much in our office work, sometime we are too busy that we almost forget to check some insurance mail or some urgent mails that we was about to receive. but the problem arise when we come up the fact that many office has kept wall of  restriction on certain sites like Facebook,google so their employees won’t get distracted from work in result to give more output in form of profit for the companies,due to this we miss some good important message or latest news that is circulating outside the world and this restrictions force many to get back to working chair  and keep bending for hours!! and there are some places like colleges where students can’t access the websites that are restricted by the campus security walls. today i m going to explain you about how to access blocked websites with use of a software that will make you to use your free time that u rarely get during working hours to utilise it for some cool stuffs like listening songs online ,watching videos for making yourself more refresh and kick back to work with booster and that also without getting caught from your office boss!!! seems risky?? lets get it done 😉

First download the software name “Ultrasurf”  its a software which unblock and act as anonymous proxy server  to open the blocked websites that has been restricted in some office. Just download and Double click on the downloaded .EXE file of ultrasurf, suppose you’ve downloaded in .zip format then just open if using winrar software and extract it and  double click on it to open. ultrasurf  will turn ON and you ready for anonymous browsing!!.what makes this software exceptional is its small in size and its completely free!! even its portable so no need to worried for too much space in hard drive and can be used from pen drive too!! and one more cool feature its got is that whatever activity done by user like suppose he surf any site that is restricted in his office/college and after finishing his/her surfing Ultrasurf don’t kep any history on computer  to get trace!! isn’t it cool !!!  i will recommend to use this ultrasurf when you are on public wi-fi cos public wi-fi is the baits for other geeky to sneak into others laptops or decrypting their privacy so in that case ultrasurf website unblocker keeps it users secured by hiding his/her IP address.

Using ULTRASURF with different browsers.

By default ultrasurf is pop up the web browser with Internet Explorer. but we can use on other browser too.

Mozilla Firefox User: Go to Tools > Options > Network > Connection> Settings and enter Proxy: and Port 9666.

Inserting Proxy in mozilla
Image credit to Flickr.com

Google Chrome user : Go to Setting > Advance Setting > under Network tab click on “change the proxy” and enter  Proxy: and Port 9666.

Chrome proxy setting
Image credit to Flickr.com

Here Image explanation for inserting proxy manuallyin chrome

But sometime office techies are more smarter then we think and they might have already set up wall of security for Proxies too!! so in that case just follow below steps to bypass the firewall of proxies.
Open Ultrasurf by double clicking on it >>  go to Option >>  proxy setting >> manual proxy setting >> insert and port 8080 .

Image credit goes to Flickr.com
Image credit goes to Flickr.com

Check here for exclusive proxy and port provided by ultrasurf.

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