Why and How to upgrade to windows 8.1 from Windows 7

After  Windows 7 the only friendly OS is delivered from Microsoft is Windows 8.1, many users are not comfortable with Windows 10 due its security issues, below are some points that has been reviewed to make windows 8.1 stand it alone on its unique way.

1. Smart Search
In windows 8.1 User Interface Microsoft has introduced the smart search feature in which we can search files with bing along with from our Hard disk and Sky drive. though it may not work with every search but its helpful for quick seeking of files.

2.Cloud capabilities
Microsoft cloud base integrated feature with Sky drive is well performed for many users to share all files online with secured walls.its also offers unlimited backups and syncing.

3.  A better Store
In windows 8.1 store is well placed with systematically arranged and the other positive things is that apps get automatically update as well so no  hassle for any manual updates 🙂
insight the windows 8.1 store its very easy to take out the best app among from the too many select-able apps by looking the rated stars and descriptions at a glance as we open store.

4. Skype
In windows 8.1 Microsoft has keep the value of virtual touchiness among the social friends and family members via Skype that’s why Microsoft kept skype on front and center of the screen to get easy and direct access to get connected with the loved once with video calling,instant messaging,and audio calling.

5.Better Multi-Tasking
Nowadays many user are freaky to make multi task for saving time, keeping in mind the importance of time Microsoft has introduced feature of multitasking with letting us to resize the oped window at any size,If having large and high resolution monitor you can use that screen for multitasking for efficient work done.

Before going to proceed for upgrading your windows 7 to 8.1 make sure you back up all files and setting so during process of upgrading just in case you may loose your data and settings.

So lets start first with buying windows 8.1 upgrade files, just in-case if you don’t have windows 8.1 upgraded files then you can purchase or download from Microsoft official site. i will recommend to use genuine ISO upgraded file to avoid any inconvenience, for that go to Microsoft windows store and click on ” buy windows” and click on Get the upgrade  on DVD”

  1. after that select windows 8.1 by clicking on “windows 8.1”

  2. On next page click on “Buy and download Now”

  3. Once done with clicking on buying and downloading it will take you to check out method page.

  4. click on “checkout” and follow with Microsoft account, if you don’t have Microsoft account then create it one, its nothing that complicate.

  5. after doing the above  Microsoft will land you on payment information, put all information about payment properly and revise once all the information.

  6. Once the payment  process done Microsoft will display windows 8.1 with its product key, write down that product key on notepad.and click  on “Download”

  7.  after clicking “Download” it will download one windows set up file in .exe format.

  8. Once all done above steps  click on that windowsetup.exe file, it’ll pop up display with “Download and Install Updates”  choose that and Hit ” Next” at bottom.

  9. It’ll take you to Product Key window.insert the product key that we’ve got  after payment process and the key which we saved in notepad followed by “Next”.

  10. it will show window naming ” Windows 8.1 for you” just click “Next” and it will start download the updates.

  11. Select “Install Now” after finishing downloading the updates.and hit  “Next”

  12. It will take you to Agreement Page, check the box at bottom for “I accept the license term”

  13. Installing updates might make you loose data so if you want  all existing data to be at place after updating to 8.1 then select “Keep Personal Files Only” or else just choose “Nothing” followed by “Next” and then “Install”

  14. After hitting “Install” windows might take couple of minutes to installed and also might reboot several times during the process os have patience for that.

  15. Once installed it will ask to customize background colors, if yu want to change background color then slide mousse pointer in the color you want and select “Next”

  16. Then Select “Express Setting” for faster performance.

  17. After clicking on “Express Setting” Microsoft will take you to Microsoft Login page, login with username and password. you can create one if you don’t have.

  18. Once Login done Microsoft will ask to send a communication code via SMS

  19. Enter the code that you’ve received via SMS followed by “Next” then again select “Next” during skydrive Option.

  20. Now it will load all preloaded apps and it will welcome you to windows 8.1 Version. that’s it.!!

For more information on this you can visit this link

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Hey guys welcome to my blog, i m self made geeky about tech and i wanted to help people learn the technology education, the purpose of this blog is to serve as much as technology information related to desktops,laptops,windows operating system. new category will be added eventually. what makes this blog unique? One-stop for windows operating solution make this blog unique cos many people who want to know anything related to their windows operating system they either they google it or visit some forums, for them this blog will one stop for solution,though many articles will come up as time goes but stick around this blog and you will worth your time to learn some or to share some from this blog. Whats make special this blog? Taking into consideration most of the worldwide users are Windows operating system users so this make he specialty of this blog more articles based on windows troubleshooting issues, including windows 7,8,8.1,10 and many more articles will come eventually. Enjoy your stay on my blog and subscribe my blog with your email address to get informative articles to keep your desktop or laptops cleans and safe.
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