How to increase RAM using hard disk drive space and boost computer performance by 40%!!.

RAM{random access memory} is something which we can say is an essential part of computers and devices to handle the loads of stress of applications that run on our computer. Sometime we do multi task by opening too many applications at Once which stress RAM system to overheat, lagging, slow responding of application or system. if you google ways to increase the RAM of computer you will get so many software, some software works some don’t work.   but today i m going to explain you a cool method to boost the speed of your system almost by 40% without any software!!.

In the below method we are going to use our Hard Disk Space as our RAM for that just follow the below settings.

Go to Control Panel >> Easy of Access >> System and Security >> System >> Advance System Setting(top left corner)

Hard Disk use Ram

After Click on “Advance” tab under that click “settings” from the first category called “Performance” image Below.

Hard Disk use Ram2

After clicking “Settings” it will pop up with dialog box in that select “Advance”  and there we will see “virtual memory” which we are going to use as RAM for boosting the performance.  image below.

Hard Disk use Ram3

After clicking the “change” it will take you to virtual memory dialog box. there will checked in front of “Automatically manage paging file size for all drives” just uncheck that and check the “custom size” and set the MB in numbers of which you want to use. eg: 2048

Hard Disk use Ram4

After inserting the size of the MB just hit OK and that’s it!!! for some users it may ask for reboot but if you reboot its better to let the system to takes its changes in effective way.

Image Credit goes to  PCWORLD

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