Fix “dns server is not responding error” in 6 different ways to get solved guaranteed.

“why is my dns server not responding” it might be common first thing comes in mind of  many users  and might make you pick your phone and ring to your ISP provider but this error might make you aware to be alert while installing third-party software or also might make you force to scan your system via antivirus which you didn’t scan for long time 😉 so lets know few causes for this so-called dns server problems.

Reason 1
Whenever we install any third-party softwares some antivirus failed to detect hidden trojan or malware inside the softwares which conflicts with our system which makes unable to connect to the internet.third party risk always leads to complication to system.

Reason 2
Sometime the server of the sites which we visit is itself very busy so in return it might give this error message.

Though the reasons are less for this error but the causes of this error might lead us even to reinstall our OS too!!. so before attempting any solution for this error just make sure to check if this error is really caused by your unusual activity by installing third-party software or its website server problem, for that just browse the same site with different browsers is you returned with same error then it’s surely your system problem.

Also read :Advantage of DSL

SO here are some Troubleshooting points for getting rid of this dns error:-

  • Solution 1.
    Restart you desktop on “safe mode” by pressing F8 while its reboot and then enter into “Advance Boot Option” there select “Safe mode with networking” once you in “safe mode” try to connect to internet, if you can connect internet in “Safe mode with networking” then its some software conflicting with your system in connecting internet on “Normal startup”. just in case if you still receive the same error then it might me some third-party software issues that blocking to connect your systems default gateway via TCP/IP. uninstalling some security softwares like malware remover or spyware remover might be also fixation for this error.
  • Solution 2.
    Press window button >> accessories >> right lick on “command prompt” and run it as administrator >> once CMD open type ” netsh int ip reset c:\resetlog.txt ” then type
    netsh winsock reset “,Then type ” ipconfig /flushdns ” now your desktop IP and Winsock are reset while DNS cache flushed.Now Reboot your system and check if DNS Server error responding or not.
  • Solution 3.
    Sometime problem might be in TCP/IP, if its set to “static” then its better we change it to “Obtain IP address automatically” or do vise versa, for “static way” press windows button from start menu >> go to Control Panel >> Network and Internet >> Network and Sharing >> Change adapter settings >> right click on Local Area Networks >> Properties >> there you’ll see “TCP/IP” single right click on that and select “Properties” >> In properties choose “Use the following IP” there are 3 box to fill up.
    IP address,Subnet,default gateway. follow this link on how to use static ip 
  • Solution 4.
    Reset the router or remove the wire from router that is connected to socket of system ans plug it back, this might also solve the dns server error problems.
  • Solution 5.
    Restore the system to the restore point where you was not receiving any error message, so always keep a restore point just in case needed.
  • Solution 6.
    Renew the IP address :-
    press window start + R button, type “CMD” in the box, type the below
    ipconfig /release
    and press ENTER
     ipconfig /renew
    and press ENTER

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