Get more out of Gmail by amazing 12 Hacks!!!

Hey, can i have your mail id? yea sure, here it is this is what we receive whenever we mostly ask their mail ID’s, according to Wikipedia
“Gmail initially started as an invitation-only beta release on April 1, 2004 and it became available to the general public on February 7, 2007, The service was upgraded from beta status on July 7, 2009”

Gmail is an email service which is worldwide popular users, if we have a look on latest data on users of Gmail then we can see whooping 1 billion users are using Gmail!! isn’t it just some terrifying figures?? but what make this service best?? ever wonder?? so lets move forward to know more about Gmail that makes it stand out of most of its features.

Bulk Unsubscribe
There are lots of users receiving bulky spam messages offering discount on sales, or any newsletter which aren’t useful much and this annoy us this is what we says whenever unwanted promotion email we get and take our inbox space for nothing,Don’t send me that message again!!! this what we say when we receive spoof or useless lets get rid of this non-stop bombarding of spam emails.
lets see how its done :
if we click on “unsubscribe” button which is located right next to senders address and if we unsubscribe one spammy email one by one by clicking on that “Unsubscribe Button” then its lot time consuming. hence there is other way to get rid of all promotional emails at once!! for that go to above “search box” of your Gmail ad type there “Unsubscribe” and HIT Enter button, it will show up all promotional emails that bombarding in your absence, once you get the list of all promotional emails then go to its a plugin which helps us to Unsubscribe all the promotional emails at once!!.

Don’t sneak on my mails
If you find some suspicious activity inside in your inbox messages like someone is reading your mails, and if you sure you didn’t log in your Gmail account then how come someone as open that mails, for that check your “last activity” for that scroll down in inbox and at the bottom right corner with small text you’ll see “last account activity” XXX minutes ago. just click on “Details” and Gmail will show which IP address as access your Gmail account and from which device its got access.

“Reply ALL”
If you are part of huge social fan followings and you receiving lots of emails and the fans expect at least one reply from you, then Gmail will help you not to feel rude about you by your fans,here it is how, go to “Settings” under the general tab , click on “Reply Behaviour” and just switch to “reply all” done!! smile on your fans face too!!

Multiple message Selections
Want to delete the “whole” list of that promotion emails or the message which have already reserved space in your inbox for no use?? then just press “SHIFT” and ” down arrow “ it will select multiple emails at once and then just delete it.

Make Search Easy
Forgot who send you email last fort-nite?? then just go to top search bar and type
“after:2016/01/30 before:2016/01/09” without quotes
gmail will give all the emails list that you receive during this period of days!!
Similar goes with the searching of names of sender, go to top “search box” their type the name of sender which you want to see his/her message for example ” from:jack “ type without quotes.
If you want to search any file which you received but you didn’t saved on your desktop and you forgot the sender name but you remember the file name then its easy to get that file b searching its name, for that go to top “search box” there type file-name for example
“filename:jpg” without quotes. if its video then just type video name or just in case you not sure about the video or image names then just type there extensions like ” file:.avi” without quotes.
Organise inbox
How easy it would be if we receive every message in his specific folder or under specific labelled section, so we can easily know is that email is promotional or personal just by looking the labelled above that email!!
for that go to setting >> labels >> Categories >> Show in label list >>Show in message list just click on “show” so next time whenever you receive any email it will automatically get organized and drop under that particular label section.

Read Emails Offline
The most useful feature which gmail has we can say that its offline access to emails. here the link with full description on that.
Set Up Filters
Is Ebay, amazon,olx,flipkart sending too many offer emails? If you don’t wanna see those emails in your inbox but would like to keep receiving for further just in case then check that message by click of mouse and head to top labels >> “More” >> click on “More” >> select ” Filter Message like these” >> window will pop up and there you will see “From” and “To” >> Enter the email address which you want to filter >> Now go to the box “Has the words” >> type the subject headline of the email message which you keep receiving >> now click on “create filer like these “ at the right bottom which will take you in next page of that window >> check the “skip inbox” and click “create filter “. that’s it !!

Show Unread Messages in Tabs
Don’t know how many emails which are till unread ?? gmail will let you know that too!!
Just Go to Settings >> Labs tab >> Enable “Unread message icon.”

Send & Archive
inbox zero, means once you read that email its automatically move to archeive folder,Archiving doesn’t mean deleting your mail.You can look for that archived messages in the “All Mail” tab on the “left” or with the “search bar on top”.

To enable Send & Archive, Head to the gear icon (top right) >> Settings >> Under the “General tab”, find Send & Archive and select Show Send & Archive in reply.

Add task for emailing
Sometime we forget to reply important emails and if that is not done in time then its always shows sign of unprofessional, so just make sure to add task for emailing or replying back to that specific email.check this click for more detailed information on that.

Make inbox Comfortable
With lots of emails if your inbox looking messy then just give it some cooler look.. just click the down arrow of the “gear icon” or “setting icon” there select “comfortable” it will increased height in between your emails which will make inbox look clean.

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