How to Record (Screencast) Videos for YouTube Using “Live Streaming”

Thousands of videos are uploaded on YouTube every seconds, many users upload videos regarding computer solution of any software tricks, but for showing how the tricks works n actual computer users download recording software to record their activities and later to upload on YouTube its calles “Screencast”
Screecasting is very easy as for that we download software and Hit record button and its start recording out activities on desktop and after a while its ready to upload on YouTube!! … but what if say that we can upload or record of own desktop activities by using YouTube itself!! and later upload on YouTube itself that also without any requirement of software or any trick!! sounds cool right?? so lets go for it !!

lets see how its done and how we can record a fine 720p HD video using YouTube itself!!

Firstly sign-in your YouTube account with google account, at the Top Left Corner click “Upload” and then under Live Streaming select “Events” if you never done this before then for that you will required to verify your phone number to enable this function of live streaming. once done with verification follow this steps.

Secondly after clicking “Events” you are already on event page, name the screecast video title which you want to use and upload on YouTube, just set the privacy to “unlisted” or
” Private” by doing this whatever you record it won’t display to public untill you complete the screencast. then hit “Go Live Now” button.

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After hitting “Go Live Now” button it will open Hangout Air PAge. to turn off camera recording click on “camera icon”
and if you don’t want to record any sound then just toggle the “microphone icon” to switch OFF the microphone.

Now at the left side click on “Screeshare button” and select the desktop window or screen which you wish to record for your screencast, after that click on “Start Screensahre button” to share your screen and hit ” Start broadcast” to start recording video!! we already done the setting to “private” so no one will able to see your recording even though  your doing in “Live broadcasting”!!!

Once you done with your recording hit “Stop broadcast Button” and switch to YouTube home page. that’s it !!

Now you done recording you presentation video for YouTube by following above steps now we want that video to upload on YouTube for that go to “YouTube video dashboard” (
there you’ll see your newly screencast video which you recorded awhile ago. just download that video to google drive or else you can download that video using softwares to like “YouTube video downloader” and later upload it manually on YouTube!! 😉

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