About Us

Hey guys welcome to my blog, i m self made geeky about tech and i wanted to help people learn the technology education, i believe education and information are two bridge which are interrelated to each other, basic motive of our blog is to give as much as solution and tips  related to troubleshooting of Operating systems to people around the world, Because We believe Human never stop learning and human never stop sharing, for that my  goal is to give as much as information about technology to the people of the world.here are few points that i assured about providing reliable information about technology:

  • I believe in sharing the knowledge and ideas.
  • I believe having knowledge about technology is essential in today’s generation time.
  • I believe in educating people by providing basic technical information.
    the purpose of this blog is to serve as much as technology information related to desktops,laptops,windows operating system. new category will be added eventually.

what makes this blog unique?
One-stop for windows operating solution make this blog unique cos many people who want to know anything related to their windows operating system they either google it or visit some forums, for them this blog will one stop for solution,though many articles will come up as time goes but stick around this blog and you will worth your time to learn some or to share some for someone needy peoplefrom this blog.

Whats make special this blog?
Taking into consideration most of the worldwide users are Windows operating system, so this make the specialty of this blog more articles based on windows troubleshooting issues, including windows 7,8,8.1,10 and many more articles will come eventually.

Enjoy your stay on my blog and subscribe my blog with your email address to get informative articles to keep your desktop or laptops cleans and safe.