Author Archives: Bingout

About Bingout

Hey guys welcome to my blog, i m self made geeky about tech and i wanted to help people learn the technology education, the purpose of this blog is to serve as much as technology information related to desktops,laptops,windows operating system. new category will be added eventually. what makes this blog unique? One-stop for windows operating solution make this blog unique cos many people who want to know anything related to their windows operating system they either they google it or visit some forums, for them this blog will one stop for solution,though many articles will come up as time goes but stick around this blog and you will worth your time to learn some or to share some from this blog. Whats make special this blog? Taking into consideration most of the worldwide users are Windows operating system users so this make he specialty of this blog more articles based on windows troubleshooting issues, including windows 7,8,8.1,10 and many more articles will come eventually. Enjoy your stay on my blog and subscribe my blog with your email address to get informative articles to keep your desktop or laptops cleans and safe.

How to Record (Screencast) Videos for YouTube Using “Live Streaming”

Screecasting is very easy as for that we download software and Hit record button and its start recording out activities on desktop and after a while its ready to upload on YouTube!! … but what if say that we can upload or record of own desktop activities by using YouTube itself!! and later upload on YouTube itself that also without any requirement of software Continue reading

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6 reasons Why Touchpad Stopped Working !!

Laptop is widely use gadget all over the world. carrying anywhere and anytime makes this device more prominent and reliable. its almost similar like carrying the BIG smartphone in your hands!! Touchpad is most and often used by the users which makes laptop very convenient and flexy. but many users face the situation were touchpad stop working and the user don’t even have idea why that happens?? so lets look for some few noticable reasons and solution for that. Continue reading

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Get more out of Gmail by amazing 12 Hacks!!!

Hey, can i have your mail id? yea sure, here it is this is what we receive whenever we mostly ask their mail ID’s, according to Wikipedia “Gmail initially started as an invitation-only beta release on April 1, 2004[9] and it became available to the general public on February 7, 2007, The service was upgraded from beta status on July 7, 2009”
Gmail is an email service which is worldwide popular users, if we have a look on latest data on users of Gmail then we can see whooping 1 billion users are using Gmail!! isn’t it just some terrifying figures?? but what make this service best?? ever wonder?? Continue reading

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