Category Archives: Tech Education

This section is all about informative information about technology which will help the user to know more about their browser,registry,windows OS and many more.

.Exe name as executable file is the extension which is used commonly in windows to install or run a particular software or any programme.its unreadable by humans. executable file is storage of codes and details reference to locate and unload the associated developers files consist in corresponding programme.Executable files are attach with the .exe extension & many Microsoft Windows applications then use Dynamic Link Library (DLL) modules related with an .exe extensions file.some of executable files are stored in compress form of self extracting archives which Continue reading

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what is DSL? What are Advantage and Disadvantage of DSL

Copper wired provided by telephone central office is connected to each individual subscriber by one or more Unshielded twisted pairs.DSL was designed to generate data rates between 1.5 to 1.8 mbits/s from the telephone wiring to reach out to each subscriber with low upstream and more downstream rates, cos most of the internet users tend to download more and upload less. Continue reading

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what is graphic card and how to fix if graphic card not detected in windows ?

So now you already know what is graphic card and whats its purpose to be present in your computer system. so lets take you now buy new graphic card and you start your computer after installing the graphic card and suddenly your eyes roll out that your graphic card not detected yet!!! or sometime you and your friend has same computer configuration and when you play high definition games on your friend’s PC its run smooth and well but the same thing happens in slower way in your PC which has same configuration then you start graphics cards comparison with yours and friend why this happens even if everything is in its place and with a brand new graphic card!!! before you go back to store and rant on him about faulty graphic card here are few reason which can sort you out why graphic card is not detected by your system. Continue reading

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